RGE Business:RGE Group Srl - Oil & Gas is an emerging Energy Company incorporated and registered in ITALY. Its main line of business is the supply and distribution of refined products to major international customers.
The company has its headquarters in Milan and associated offices in Egypt, Brazil, Uruguay, Turkey, Iran, Moscow, London. Florida, Miami, San Diego with strong reliable links to the oil and shipping industry.
Word Wide Negotiation: England - Switzerland - Italy - Turkey - Russia - London - Iran - Libya - Egypt - Iraq - Arab Emirates - Brazil - Uruguay - Argentina - Germany - China - Nigeria - Ghana - Cote De Invoire.
International Links:RGE Group Srl - Oil & Gas - has some key strategic relationships worldwide, trading and investing in all the main international oil markets.
We have the in-house skills to provide a fully integrated service to our customers. The company benefits from its favorable side for mobility when required to offer both customers the opportunity to take advantage of international suppliers and markets.
Our staff, together with our partners, has a great deal of experience, particularly in the sectors of procurement, marketing, rehabilitation of oil fields, production and management of arbitrage in different economic and geographical areas.
Through international relations we pursue opportunities to commercialize our supply partnerships.
In cooperation with our customers we have the ability to supply products on site or a very large quantity of refined and, if required, raw and light products from our manufacturing partners.
Our producers are able to sign long-term contracts on a "buy - back" basis with foreign companies to export domestic oil and import commodities
MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:RGE Group Srl all applicable laws and regulations and where laws and regulations do not exist we maintain the effectiveness of our high standards. Our commitment to high ethical standards, legal compliance and integrity is reflected in our global policies and practices. The matrix we monitor and report clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of our management systems in managing our performance. Our management system allows us to adapt to new regulations efficiently by providing us with a competitive advantage.
Our executive team has extensive experience in the international oil industry.
The company has developed good relationships with key executives and regional decision makers whose approval is a prerequisite for effective project implementation.
RELATIONSHIPS:The company has built relationships with major oil refineries and is able to market all types of refined products along with heavy and light crude oil. The Group has other offices and entities of petroleum and other energy products.
THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP: Thepartnership is the key idea of our strategy. By connecting third parties through official agreements, we establish a strong and highly stimulating compromise that generates a spontaneous interest, involvement, respect and sense of collaboration.
RGE Group Srl - Oil & Gas è una Energy Company emergente costituita e registrata in ITALIA. La sua principale linea di attività è la fornitura e distribuzione di prodotti raffinati ai principali clienti internazionali.
La società ha la sede principale a Milano e uffici associati in Egitto, Brasile, Uruguay, Turchia, Iran, Mosca, Londra. Florida, Miami, San Diego con forti legami affidabili con l'industria petrolifera e navale.
Negoziazione Word Wide: Inghilterra - Svizzera - Italia - Turchia - Russia - Londra - Iran - Libia - Egitto - Iraq - Emirati Arabi - Brasile - Uruguay - Argentina - Germania - Cina - Nigeria -Ghana -Cote De Invoire.